Sunday, April 8, 2012

When I was little....

Oh my 'lanta!! Has it really been that long?? I am BEYOND sorry that I haven't been here with ya'll. But it's life. I'm busy. You're busy. We all are busy.

Progress: I actually have no clue how I am doing. I am keeping with the routine and eating healthy which is a good thing. So I saw a few posts of this going around the internets. I figured being I haven't been updating you on my progress that I could do this. So here goes :)

1. My parents told me… Honestly, I don’t have any clear memories of my parents telling me anything but they both showed me that no matter what happens in life you work for what you want and love and take care of your family in the process.

2. I wanted to grow up to be a… White girl. Seriously. For a while I thought it was possible. But then when I realized it wasn't I was over it.
3. I refused to eat… Well... I guess it should be DRINK... That would be Sweet Tea. In the south you know how that is not American. I'm still holding on to that refusal.

4. My favorite thing to do outside was… NOTHING! I am a total inside girl. But I did go out to play with my friends every now and then. Then we'd go back inside to play with Barbies.

5. I broke my… skin on my knee. I am VERY clumsy so it was nothing to skin my knee. My mom said that even one time I was standing at church and STILL ended up falling somehow. Still to this day if there is a puddle of water Nikki is going to find it.

6. I liked to wear… dresses. Even before my parents got in church I had the need to wear dresses everyday. Mom would have to MAKE me wear shorts and pants.

7. My parents always… Had us eat dinner together. Even when dad was home it was always together.

8. I thought that Santa was… My dad. There was never any confusion on who spent their hard earned money to make me happy.

9. My favorite cartoon was… Jam and the Holograms!!! I ask people now-a-days if they know that show and no one remembers it. I'm like HOW CAN'T you!! She could change clothes by just blinking!! (I think :/ lol) I even had a Jam doll for the longest time.

10. I was the… "Jersey Baby". From the time I could speak I was really proper and my parents couldn't understand why because they bother are so

11. I got in trouble when… I would talk back. I always had "a lot of mouth" as my mom would say. But honestly, look at who my PARENTS are!!!lol

12. My bedroom was… a room. When I was little I don't remember much about it but that it was there and I was on the front of the house. I had lots of toys.

13. My favorite food was… Chips. Really. That relationship is STILL going strong.

14. My parents always made me… Do my chores before going out with friends. Even in my teens I had to clean my room before spending the night with a friend.

15. My first crush was… Todd Parrott!!! I remember me and Holly being so in love with him. He was the cutest guy back then.  He was about 10 years older than me. When he got married it broke my heart.

16. My favorite toy was… BARBIEEEESSSS!!!!! There is no question of my loyalty in this situation.

17. I thought school was… What it was. Didn't love it, didn't hate it. Had a few friends but was still pretty well known. I'm finding that out

18. My biggest fear was… The Dark. Honest to God. So my room was on the front of the house. On the back side of the houses across the street in my neighborhood, there was trees then a baseball field. Sometimes they would leave the lights on and the trees would cast shadows on my windows. I hated those nights.

19. My favorite story was… The Little Mermaid. I watched that movie all the time. I'm noticing that a lot of the stuff that I loved had to do with music. 

20. My favorite memories… My daddy coming home on the weekends. He would come down the street in the big truck and I would hear him and run out to meet him. I was such a daddy's girl back then :)

*I use to HATE this pic. My aunt had the hugest copy of it in her living room for years. A total embarrassment.smh

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