Monday, June 18, 2012

Love YOU but also LOVE YOUR BODY

There is a difference

Don't get it twisted... I LOVE ME (and my mom reminds me of it ALL the TIME!!lol) But I also love my body. Really, I do.

There is this idea in the BBW world that if you are big you will love your body no matter what. This in turn gives you the chance to eat what you want, not exercise, and live an unhealthy life. That mindset may love themselves as a person, it does NOT, however, love their body.

Yes, you should accept yourself for the way that you are. That is an internalized behavior and way of thinking. But the idea of love your BODY is an externalized behavior and way of thinking. You can love your personality and beliefs (internal) and have self-esteem issues (usually comes from externally not liking your body).

In loving your body most people can come up with a lot of good things that they like about it. For me it's my hair, my smile, and even my strength (My dad has given me the gift of great upper body strength :)) But with the good things you HAVE GOT to accept the bad. This includes a variety of things. Here are some of mine:

1.   I couldn't fit into the connected desk-chairs at school comfortable for the entire time I was in school from middle school to college.
2. I get short of breath when I walk from my car and into a building. No matter how far it is.
3. I have the "diabetus".
4. I have poor circulation in my ankles that makes he have blotches on my feet and ankles like old people.
*****And the list could go on and on.*****

"Ok Nikki. Since you are the expert, lay it on us!! So how do you love your body?"

What I am saying is I love my body enough to know that i have these things and I am trying to eliminate them. If that means losing 150- 200 lbs, then so be it! Losing weight isn't just about being "skinny" (OH GAWD!! There is that DREADFUL word.) It's about being healthy and active. Giving your body a fighting chance to function as it should. It's about making you all that it can be.

I will tell you something. It's hard. I'm only at the beginning but I am taking the necessary steps to get here. But I have so much more to give and so much life to live than to let my weight hold me back. THAT is how I love my body. Not by polluting it with sugars that slow down natural processes. THAT is how I love my body. There is no better love than that you show your body than when you make it up 2 flights of stairs, even if you are completely out of breath. I know for me that was the best feeling :) I'm tired to saying "If I was skinny I could do that" or "when I lose weight he's gonna WISH he gave me a chance because I'm a good catch". You're right I am a good catch and he is going to regret it, but I'm not going to be around him to see it. I'm going to love my BODY the way it needs to be loved. And if that means turning down the idiot that couldn't see how wonderful I am then... SO BE IT!!!lol

It's easy to internalize behavior but it is harder to externalize behavior.
Love YOU but also LOVE YOUR BODY.

Right now my inner Developmental Psychologist is doing a touchdown dance for this post.  See Dr. Cain, I got it ;)

How do you show your body that you love it??

Love , 

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