Well, a new year has come. I'm really excited for all that this year will bring! So many possibilities.
2012 year was a great year. I had said that my motto was work hard, play hard. Well "play hard" didn't really work because for half the year I was adjusting to a new body. But I did "work hard". I was going to post some pictures from last year on here yesterday but that didn't happen. Maybe next time ;)
If you don't know yet, I have reached the 100 lb mark. Since the surgery I have lost 75 lbs. Let me tell you I feel awesome!!! Yesterday I hit the gym and actually was on the treadmill and walked/ran 2 miles! That is a big accomplishment because I usually never go over a mile and this time I pushed myself to do two. Not only that but I RAN. Yesterday wasn't the first time I ran but when I did I felt like a million bucks! And I completely understand when people say they love to run. I really believe I am getting to that point now.lol
Here is a nice comparison picture for ya!
Can you see the difference?lol And the one on the left isn't even my heaviest!
Right look: Peplum Shirt and Pleated skirt -Avenue/ Undershirt- Avon/ Black suede wedges- DSW
Another thing that you may not know about me is I don't like to make resolutions for the new year. I think that they are good intentions that never pan out. But there are some things I would like to see happen in this new year. So here is my top 5.
1. Read the Bible the whole way through- This is pretty self- explanatory It is something that I have wanted to do for a while so this year I am going to make it happen! :)
2. Loose 50 lbs by May 1, 2012- Actually this is a challenge that a friend of mine brought up. Something to give myself something to look forward to. So here it is. If i loose the 50 by the date then you all donate $5 for me to get some more clothes! If you want to give more you can when the time comes. But for now I will keep you updated on my progress! I think this is an obtainable goal because I did loose 75 lbs in 5 months. If you are up for the challenge comment on this post that you're in! Just make sure you leave your name so I'll know who all my sponsors are ;)
3. Run an eBay shop- Many of you have seen that I am trying my hand at selling somethings on eBay. I have a TON of clothes that are too big and I figured that while I'm loosing weight I could make some money as well! If you wish to contribute send me an email and we'll discuss it.
4. Move out- OMG! I have been trying to do this for the last 5 years! I really believe that this year will be the year. I am going to make it happen.
5. Travel by plane to a destination- I'm not sure if I want this to be for fun or to a church conference. I have never traveled by plane anywhere and I want to really bad! I just want to have a vacation of any kind.lol
So that is what I want to see happen in 2013. What are your desires for this new year?
Happy New Year Lovies!
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