
I actually saw this on another blog and thought it would be good to have on mine. I write this blog as a personal chronicle and inspiration to others. So to keep my reviews independent and free of conflicts of interest, my personal policies for this blog are:

1. I am not endorsing any weight loss product or service over another. If I have used a method for weight loss then that is my choice but everyone must make the decision on which way they will go for their personal journey. Mine will not be yours and yours will not be mine.Weight loss is about hard work and exercise. That is what is being done here. The day I am no longer doing that I will come to you and end the blog.

2. I may give my opinion on a product or service. It is just my opinion. If you don't like what I have to say then don't read my blog. If you don't like the methods that I use, then don't read my blog. I am doing what works FOR ME. I encourage you to do the same.

3. This blog receives no payment or compensation for advertising.

4.This blog receives no payment or other compensation for reviews of products or services (Actually I probably paid an arm and a leg for them. LITERALLY. No really. I'm not laughing as I write this. Really.)

 5. If I did not pay full retail price for a product being reviewed or it was given to me as a gift, I will explicitly state that in the review.

6. Because this is about my health and encouraging other to be healthy, if there is a product that did not work for me I will inform others. I will not however embarrass the company, What doesn't work for me may work for someone else. I will not, however, encourage others NOT to use the product. That is not my job.

7. I have no affiliation or relationship with the supplier of a product being reviewed. However, if I do receive an endorsement for advertising then the blog itself will not change and the product will no longer be reviewed here.

8. I follow a "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" rule of thumb. I was once told by a great man "Opinions are like noses, everyone has one." Everyone has an opinion and I value yours but there is a thin line between opinionated and rude. I ask that you find it quickly and keep it in mind when posting here, whether it is to my post or to another's comment.

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